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Why Volunteer with CASA?

Just a few hours of your time each month can be life-changing for an abused or neglected child.

As a CASA volunteer, you’ll make a profound impact on the life of a child in foster care who is facing an extremely difficult time in their life. The consistency and stability you provide makes a world of difference. In fact, kids who receive support from CASA volunteers are more likely to have better overall outcomes that will benefit them over their entire lives.

Children with CASA volunteers benefit in the following ways:

  • More likely to find a safe, permanent home
  • More likely to be adopted
  • Half as likely to reenter foster care
  • Substantially less likely to spend time in long-term foster care
  • More likely to have a plan for permanency, especially children of color
  • Get more help while in the system with more services ordered for the children
  • More likely to have a consistent, responsible adult presence
  • Spend less time in foster care - on average eight months less in case compared to children without CASA involvement
  • Less likely to be bounced from home to home
  • Do better in school, are more likely to pass all courses and less likely to have poor conduct in school​
  • Report significantly higher levels of hope

Anyone over 21 can become a CASA volunteer! If you care about children and/or want to significantly impact the lives of abused or neglected children, then we'd love to hear from you.

First Name *
Last Name *

  • Vegas Chamber
  • HCC
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